julio 19, 2010

HB - Ambition Live at Flevo

Once I saw a man full of passion, 
So brave and so filled with the Word. 
He spoke like no other, like thunder 
Authorised with great love. 

His presence encouraged us all and 
We felt that God wants to move. 
All troubles just vanished and were gone - 
A reason to praise the Lord! 

There’s a real believer, more than all of us! 

Why do we take all your glory, we know it belongs to You, oh Father 
And to your Son the Righteous One 
He reigns with His love, reigns with His love. 

Who are we trying to impress. You are the one who deserves all praise. 
Because of your Son, the Righteous One 
Your beloved Son, beloved Son. 

Once I saw a Lady full of grace, 
Thought tired still preaching the word. 
She cried out and wept when she told us 
That God really loves us all. 

“Not everyone will go to Heaven, 
Some will face the wrath of God.” 
At last people realized that they must 
Decide on whoms side they are.

This is a short biography of the post author. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus nullam quis ante maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec.

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